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Release 1.3.0 of the DeskLab Software Suite was released on January 15, 2016. See below for details of changes to the individual components.

To obtain this release, please email @xylanta.com

DeskLab Explorer


New Features

  • This release adds support for Windows 10. See the Install Guide for additional instructions when upgrading a PC from a previous version of Windows to Windows 10.

Changed Features

There are no changed features at this release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with ODA Data Group Type: in some situations the displayed group type did not match the group type sent in the ODA AID message.
  • Fixed an issue on the summary page: enabling a channel using the navigator context menu did not always update the enable state of the channel on the summary page.
  • Fixed an issue with the RDS Group 04A page: the custom time was being reset if the user navigated away from the Group 04A page.
  • Fixed an issue with the RDS Group 04A page: if the user selected the Use Custom Time option, the display didn’t update straight away to reflect the custom time (though the custom time was broadcast).
  • Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

Other Components

There are no other components supplied with this release.

DeskLab Script


New Features

  • This release adds support for Windows 10. See the Install Guide for additional instructions when upgrading a PC from a previous version of Windows to Windows 10.

Changed Features

  • Editor: Lua Basic Library functions have been added to syntax highlighting, and are shown with colour light blue.
  • Sample scripts: the deprecated table.getn method has been replaced with the table length operator ‘#’.

Bug Fixes

  • Script Explorer: Fixed an error that caused a “File type not supported” message to appear when opening all files in a directory, that also included a sub-directory.
  • Script Explorer: Fixed an issue that prevented new scripts to be created in an empty directory.
  • Fixed crash when exiting the application when the user account does not have administrator privileges.
  • Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

Other Components

  • Lua is now Version 5.1.5


The following firmware is required:

DeskLab RDS

  • Latest firmware version: 3.10.1035.5797 (Recomended).
  • For 64 bit timestamp support, firmware version 3.10.962.5394 or greater is required.
  • Minimum supported firmware version: 3.7.701.3889.
  • FPGA version: 2.2.0.

Last updated: 10:45 am GMT+0000 January 11, 2024