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DeskLab Suite 0.9.0 Release

Release 0.9.0 of the DeskLab Software Suite was released on September 17, 2012. See below for details of changes to the individual components.

Note: firmware version or later is required in order to use this release with the DeskLab RDS.

To obtain this release, please email @xylanta.com

DeskLab Explorer

Revision (alpha)

New Features

  • The group sequence editor has been reworked. It is now possible to enter sequences specifying all groups to be sent, including ODA groups.
  • Additional parameters have been added to the signal generator allowing better control of RDS and audio generation.
  • Tuning information parameters have been added to TMC.

Changed Features

  • Audio sine wave generation has been split to allow control of left and right channels.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed isssue setting a custom time on Group 04A.

Other Components

There are no other components supplied with this release.

DeskLab Script

Revision (alpha)

New Features

  • There are no new features at this release.

Changed Features

  • Additional parameters are now available to give better control of generating FM and audio signals.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected export of logged RDS data to CSV files. The block 1 to 4 data is now exported as a decimal value, rather than the hexadecimal encoded string.

Other Components

There are no other components supplied with this release.